environmental conservation

UP Ecotour highlights climate action at NCES 2024


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UP Ecotour highlights climate action at NCES 2024
After a four-year hiatus due to the pandemic, NCES’ comeback is expected to involve more students and members of the academe in UP Ecotour's advocacy of environmental protection through tourism

The following is a press release from the UP Environment and Tourism Society.

The UP Environment and Tourism Society proudly presents and cordially invites you for the comeback of the National Congress on Environmental Sustainability (NCES) on May 25, from 8 am to 5 pm, at the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman.

NCES 2024 is a whole-day event composed of different activities geared towards promoting awareness regarding pertinent environmental issues, sustainable and cultural development, and the appreciation of the arts. With the objective of the youth to drive change, the key goals of NCES are aligned with addressing the various 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.

UP Environment and Tourism Society (UP Ecotour), previously known as the UP Club for the Environment and Tourism, is a duly recognized non-profit, university-wide student organization based in the UP Asian Institute of Tourism at UP Diliman.

As a committed and a leading student organization in the University since 1996, UP Ecotour never ceased in dedicating itself to various projects and initiatives that help raise awareness about environmental protection and conservation through sustainable tourism and development.

The organization also connects its mission and objectives to the greater public by organizing seminars and programs whose beneficiaries range from street sweepers, public high schools, and agencies who are in need of help or simply those people who are driven by environmental causes.

The last edition of NCES was held in 2020 at the School of Statistics Auditorium, UP Diliman with over 200 attendees from diverse high schools, universities, and organizations.

After a four-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NCES’ comeback is expected to involve more students and members of the academe in enjoining us with our advocacy of environmental protection through tourism.

This year, SDG 13 (Climate Action) will be the highlight to amplify the call for #ClimateActionNow. This is to address environmental issues and lessen the impacts of climate change to guarantee the preservation of biodiversity, the protection of ecosystems, and the welfare of the present and future generations. In the end, NCES is an investment both for the Earth and mankind as we nurture a generation of environmentally conscious individuals through raising awareness, understanding, empowerment, and critical thinking – a step to initiate climate action towards a sustainable tomorrow.

Aligned with our initiative to become catalysts of change, this congress will also benefit our chosen beneficiary which is the Youth Strike 4 Climate Philippines (abbreviated as YS4C PH). A national youth-led and youth-serving organization and campaign for Filipino youth in climate action. We also envision the event that this will not only increase the significance of environmental sustainability but will also underscore the impact of the youth in addressing global-scale issues.

The regular registration for the plenary sessions will be open until May 24. Conference kit, certificates, snacks, and packed lunch will be given to the attendees of the event.

Regular Registration Link: bit.ly/NCES2024_RegularRegistration

Should you have any questions or concerns, you may directly send us an email at nces.ecotour@gmail.com as we are very much open to address any inquiry with you. – Rappler.com

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