Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

On 122nd founding anniversary, Coast Guard recognizes West PH Sea defenders

Dwight de Leon

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On 122nd founding anniversary, Coast Guard recognizes West PH Sea defenders

MARITIME DEFENDERS. New officers of the Philippine Coast Guard take their oath on October 16, 2023.

Philippine Coast Guard's Facebook

President Marcos says the government will deploy 40 more patrol boats as as part of his administration's efforts to upgrade the Coast Guard's capabilities in the West Philippine Sea

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard’s (PCG) efforts to protect the country’s territorial integrity took center stage during its 122nd founding anniversary celebration, recognizing key officers who played a crucial role in defending the West Philippine Sea.

The Distinguished Coast Guard Cross Medal and Ribbon was awarded to the teams behind the BRP Malapascua and BRP Malabrigo, PCG ships which were blocked by Chinese militia vessels during a resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal back in June.

Coast Guard District Palawan was named Coast Guard District of the Year “for being at the forefront of PCG’s maritime operations in the West Philippine Sea.”

Individual awardees include:

  • Commodore Jay Tarriela, PCG spokesman for the West Philippine Sea: Distinguished Service Medal and Ribbon “for the publication of factual narratives on issues and concerns, and for release of compelling images, thus igniting the Filipino sense of patriotism”
  • CG Petty Officer 3 Jason Nicol and CG Seaman First Class Joseph Rivera: Distinguished Coast Guard Cross Medal and Ribbon for “cutting the rope barriers by Chinese Coast Guard at the southeast entrance of Bajo de Masinloc”

In a speech, retiring PCG Commandant Artemio Abu touted his men and women’s efforts in overcoming adversity in the vast waterway, which has become a flashpoint of rising tensions between Manila and Beijing in the past months.

“We have intensified our maritime security operations in our waters,” he said. “Despite the great danger of operating in the West Philippine Sea, the PCG continues to fulfill its mission of ensuring that we do not yield even a square inch of our territory to any foreign power.”

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was the guest of honor at the PCG celebration. After the ceremony, he inspected BRP Malabrigo, the ship that was water cannoned by China in August.

In an ambush interview, Marcos said the government is adding 40 units of 15-meter patrol boats that will bolster the country’s efforts in protecting the West Philippine Sea.

“We are continuing with the upgrading of the equipment, the training, and the capabilities of all our people especially the Coast Guard, not only because they are on the frontlines in the problems now we are facing in the West Philippine Sea, but also because of the very important function they play when it comes to search and rescue, when it comes to maritime incidents, when it comes to even disaster assistance,” he said.

Just last week, a Chinese navy ship tried to cut off a Philippine navy vessel on a resupply mission near Pag-asa Island.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines called China’s actions “dangerous and offensive.” The AFP had also reminded China that it faces “global isolation” if it continues to conduct “irresponsible actions” in the West Philippine Sea – Rappler.com

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Dwight de Leon

Dwight de Leon is a multimedia reporter who covers President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Malacañang, and the Commission on Elections for Rappler.