Hans Cacdac

Marcos reappoints Cacdac as DMW secretary

Michelle Abad

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Marcos reappoints Cacdac as DMW secretary

Newly appointed Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Secretary Hans Leo Cacdac, leads the flag ceremony at the DMW headquarters, on April 29, 2024.

Angie de Silva/Rappler

(1st UPDATE) Malacañang says the reappointment of Hans Leo Cacdac as ad interim secretary of the Department of Migrant Workers demonstrates President Marcos’ 'continued trust and confidence in the official'

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has reappointed long-time labor and migration official Hans Leo Cacdac as ad interim secretary of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) following the Commission on Appointments’ (CA) deferment of his confirmation.

Marcos first appointed Cacdac on April 25, after serving as the DMW’s officer-in-charge for seven months. He was then the undersecretary for foreign employment and welfare services.

“The reappointment of Cacdac, indicated in a list of presidential appointees released by Malacanang on Friday, demonstrates President Marcos’ continued trust and confidence in the official,” Malacañang said in a statement on Saturday, May 25.

Cacdac had his first hearing with the CA on Tuesday, May 21, where two oppositors and SAGIP Representative Rodante Marcoleta raised existing issues that have kept many overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) distressed as Cacdac held previous government posts.

The oppositors, who described themselves as former overseas Filipinos, brought up issues such as the persistence of OFW rights violations in the Middle East, and alleged neglect of undocumented Filipinos in Russia. The ad interim secretary responded to all the criticisms with programs the DMW had to assist and prevent such cases.

A number of lawmakers across political lines still endorsed Cacdac as the next DMW secretary.

Marcoleta moved to suspend the hearing without the commission making a decision. Later that week, the Second Regular Session of the 19th Congress adjourned sine die. They resume session in July.

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After the Tuesday hearing, Cacdac still thanked the CA for considering his appointment. He described the exchanges as “frank, engaging, and comprehensive.”

“I defer to the wisdom of the members of the Commission to have more time to consider and deliberate on my appointment,” Cacdac said on Wednesday, May 22.

In a statement following his reappointment on Saturday, Cacdac said he was “profoundly thankful” to the President for his trust and confidence.

“As a united DMW family, we pledge to uphold the mandate entrusted to us by the President and Constitution. We are the primary guardians of the rights, welfare, and protection of our OFWs. With utmost integrity and transparency, we will seek justice for our aggrieved OFWs,” said Cacdac.

He added that the DMW would continue to live out its commitment to transparency, and creating a “rights-based environment” for OFWs from job-seeking to reintegration.

“We will continue to provide venues for social dialogue with OFW groups and stakeholders in overseas employment, particularly in the areas of policy and program development,” he said. – Rappler.com

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Michelle Abad

Michelle Abad is a multimedia reporter at Rappler. She covers the rights of women and children, migrant Filipinos, and labor.