Philippine basketball

Kiefer Ravena heads home, signs with SGA for Jones Cup

JR Isaga

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Kiefer Ravena heads home, signs with SGA for Jones Cup

STREAKY. Shiga Lakes' Kiefer Ravena in Japan B. League action.


Japan B. League veteran import and former Gilas Pilipinas captain Kiefer Ravena dons the Philippines' colors anew for Strong Group Athletics in the 2024 William Jones Cup

MANILA, Philippines – After a lengthy stay in Japan, Filipino basketball star Kiefer Ravena is once again representing the Philippines in the 2024 William Jones Cup as a part of rising sports group Strong Group Athletics.

The 30-year-old standout is coming off a Japan B. League Division 2 championship win with the Shiga Lakes, who are now promoted back to Division 1 for next season.

Playing for a Philippine team for the first time since the 2023 FIBA World Cup with Gilas Pilipinas, Ravena couldn’t help but express his excitement to once again represent his country in the Taiwan-based tournament.

“It’s a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills in front of our kababayans again and contribute to the team’s success,” he said in a press release.

“Of course, I really want to be a part of this team and help them erase the heartbreak we experienced in Dubai,” he added, referring to Strong Group’s shocking buzzer-beater defeat at the hands of Al-Riyadi Lebanon in the knockout final of the Dubai International Basketball Championship.

Ravena joins a pair of fellow veterans in the Charles Tiu-coached squad, namely Fil-Aussie sniper Jordan Heading and former Alab Pilipinas glue guy Caelan Tiongson.

The 43rd Jones Cup is set to run from July 13 to 21 in Taipei, where the Rain or Shine-backed Philippine team only placed seventh out of nine teams in the 2023 edition. –

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