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Bright stars for Bethlehem

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TOURIST AND PILGRIM DRAW. Armenian monks pray in the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, West Bank, 20 December 2013. EPA/Atef Safadi

After a decade of unrest, Bethlehem has seen a surge in visits to Christ’s traditional birthplace, raising hopes of a tourism bonanza in the West Bank town despite Israel’s separation barrier. The Palestinian territories’ top tourist destination is a victim of the barrier which cuts off the town from nearby Jerusalem, just 10 kilometers (six miles) away. The expansion of nearby Israeli settlements has deliberately helped to isolate the city. But since a UNESCO decision in June 2012 to grant world heritage status to Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity – hailed as a “historic” diplomatic victory by the Palestinians – the town has been eyeing a tourist bonanza that could boost the local economy.

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