Philippines-Timor-Leste relations

Timor-Leste’s José Ramos-Horta is headed to Manila on November 10

Kaycee Valmonte

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Timor-Leste’s José Ramos-Horta is headed to Manila on November 10

VISITOR. Timor-Leste President José Ramos-Horta during a visit to the United Arab Emirates on October 17, 2023.

José Ramos-Horta/Facebook

Timor-Leste President José Ramos-Horta is scheduled to visit the Philippines this week

MANILA, Philippines – November is turning out to be a busy month for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. as another leader is expected to fly to the Philippines on Friday, November 10. Timor-Leste President José Ramos-Horta will be the first head of state to visit the country under the current Marcos administration.

His trip comes on the heels of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s two-day visit last week.

While in Manila, Ramos-Horta will meet representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Justice, Department of Science and Technology, and the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

The Presidential Communications Office offered limited details on Ramos-Horta’s visit, but noted it will “tackle the various areas of cooperation” between Manila and Dili, specifically in technical partnerships, educational, and economic programs. The Philippines and Timor-Leste celebrated two decades of diplomatic relations just last year.

Marcos met Ramos-Horta’s predecessor, Taur Matan Ruak, just this May at the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Indonesia.

The two discussed expelled Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr., whose request for political asylum was denied. The former lawmaker is being linked to the assassination of Governor Roel Degamo, which killed nine others and injured 16.

During their talks, Marcos also reiterated the Philippines’ support for Timor-Leste’s application to the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN. –

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.