PBA 3x3

New PBA 3×3 team out to make noise

Philip Matel

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New PBA 3×3 team out to make noise

NEW ENTRY. PBA 3x3 welcomes a new squad in MCFASolver Tech Centrale.

Philip Matel/Rappler

Powered by TH Tumalip, MCFASolver Tech Centrale is the newest team in the PBA 3x3 circuit

MANILA, Philippines – After sharpening its tools in the FIBA 3×3 World Tour Cebu Masters, MCFASolver Tech Centrale is ready to showcase its wares in the upcoming PBA 3×3 Season 3 Second Conference set to start on Monday, October 16.

Led by team stalwart TH Tumalip, the team is leaning on experience it obtained in facing some of the world’s best 3×3 teams such as the United States’ Miami.

After making the main draw of the tournament as the 12th team, the Lubao, Pampanga-based squad bowed 22-15 to Miami, which was led by former NBA guard Jimmer Freddette, Canyon Barry, Dylan Travis, and Kareem Maddox.

“During the preparations, I have already learned a lot from my teammates,” said Tumalip of his foreign teammates Mike Harry Nzeusseu, Jose Blázquez, and Stanko Kujundžić during the team’s press conference on Monday, August 9, in Quezon City.

“When we went to Cebu, we tried to stand our ground against players like Jimmer Freddette,” he added.

According to PBA deputy commissioner Eric Castro, the team is signed through the Second and Third Conferences.

Coached by circuit veteran Anton Altamirano, Tumalip will be joined by Brandon Ramirez, Nico Salva, Yutien Andrada, Ael Banal, and Louie Vigil.

For Altamirano, the team is out to make an immediate impact as it absorbed the core of defunct franchise Wilcon. 

“Definitely, that’s the goal. We’re not doing this to place second so we want to contend and win a championship,” said Altamirano. 

The 11-team league will open the tournament at the Ayala Malls Circuit Mall in Makati. – Rappler.com

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