Asian Volleyball

No role too small for Faith Nisperos in Alas Pilipinas’ unbeaten romp

Philip Matel

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No role too small for Faith Nisperos in Alas Pilipinas’ unbeaten romp

PATIENCE. Faith Nisperos warms up before Alas Pilipinas’ game against Iran in the AVC Challenge Cup.

Joaqui Flores/PVL Images

Former Ateneo standout Faith Nisperos relishes her national team stint – never mind if she only took the court for the first time in three games – as their tight teamwork help them stay perfect in the AVC Challenge Cup

MANILA, Philippines – Despite her paltry playing time, Faith Nisperos has enjoyed her stint with Alas Pilipinas in the AVC Challenge Cup – all for national pride.

Nisperos scored her first tournament points late in the third set against Iran, including the game-winning, off-the-block hit to seal the Philippines’ first semifinal stint in any AVC-sanctioned competition.

The former Ateneo standout received loud cheers when she took the court as she helped the national team secure a quick 25-16, 25-13, 25-15 win against Iran for a group-best 3-0 record in Pool A play.

“Teamwork and commitment – they’re both huge for us. We are really guided by our ates (big sisters) and coaches. The teamwork is very evident in our 3-0 record,” Nisperos told reporters on Saturday, May 25, at the once again packed Rizal Memorial Coliseum.

“I [have to] do everything with every chance that I get, that is why when I was fielded in, I only thought about my teammates, coaches; and I will fight for my country,” she added.

The match against Iran was the Akari standout’s first stint in the tournament, two weeks after being chosen to play in the hastily formed national squad.

She did not see any playing time in the Philippines’ first two games against Australia and India – wins which helped improve the country’s FIVB women’s world ranking from 62nd to 57th.

Philippine team coach Jorge Souza de Brito detailed that he had relied on a system familiar to the players, while adding small tweaks of his own.

Much like everybody else, Nisperos likes the chemistry the team is forming, under the leadership of Jia de Guzman.

“This is a very great mix of veterans and young blood and I think ate Jia is a very natural leader, a very good setter,” said Nisperos.

“With the leadership of the seniors, together with ate Dawn (Macandili-Catindig), young guns like us get a big lift.” –

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