Premier Volleyball League

HIGHLIGHTS: Creamline vs Choco Mucho, PVL 2nd All-Filipino finals – December 16

JR Isaga

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HIGHLIGHTS: Creamline vs Choco Mucho, PVL 2nd All-Filipino finals – December 16
The Creamline Cool Smashers capture their seventh PVL crown after outlasting the Choco Mucho Flying Titans in a five-set thriller

MANILA, Philippines – For the seventh time in PVL history, the Creamline Cool Smashers rose to the top of the heap with a masterful 15-0 sweep of the 2023 Second All-Filipino Conference, capped by a five-set finals Game 2 conquest of sister team Choco Mucho Flying Titans on Saturday, December 16.

Creamline captured its seventh PVL crown with a 22-25, 25-20, 29-27, 24-26, 15-12 win capped by an Alyssa Valdez crosscourt hit, preventing Choco Mucho from extending the best-of-three title series to a decider.

The sister team showdown reset the Philippine volleyball crowd record at the Araneta Coliseum with 24,459 fans tuning in to watch the Cool Smashers’ eventual coronation.

  • FINAL: Creamline outlasts Choco Mucho in the fifth set, 15-12, courtesy of an Alyssa Valdez crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 14-12: Sisi Rondina cross
  • CREAMLINE 14-11: Alyssa Valdez off the block
  • CREAMLINE 13-11: Michele Gumabao down the line
  • CREAMLINE 12-11: Sisi Rondina off the block
  • CREAMLINE 12-10: Pangs Panaga quick attack
  • CREAMLINE 11-10: Maddie Madayag running attack
  • CREAMLINE 11-9: Pangs Panaga blocks Sisi Rondina
  • CREAMLINE 10-9: Michele Gumabao off the block
  • 9-9: Regine Arocha service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 9-8: Tots Carlos attack error
  • 8-8: Jema Galanza off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 8-7: Kat Tolentino blocks Jema Galanza
  • 7-7: Risa Sato off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 7-6: Jema Galanza off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 7-5: Bea de Leon quick attack
  • CHOCO MUCHO 6-5: Risa Sato running attack
  • CHOCO MUCHO 6-4: Alyssa Valdez crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 6-3: Tots Carlos attack error. Timeout Creamline
  • CHOCO MUCHO 5-3: Kat Tolentino blocks Alyssa Valdez
  • CHOCO MUCHO 4-3: Alyssa Valdez off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 4-2: Bea de Leon blocks Alyssa Valdez
  • CHOCO MUCHO 3-2: Alyssa Valdez crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 3-1: Bea de Leon regalo
  • CHOCO MUCHO 2-1: Maddie Madayag regalo
  • 1-1: Jema Galanza off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 1-0: Kyle Negrito service error
  • END OF SET 4: Bernadeth Pons attack error sends Choco Mucho to a fifth set over Creamline, 26-24
  • CHOCO MUCHO 25-24: Maddie Madayag off the block
  • 24-24: Sisi Rondina net touch
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-23: Pangs Panaga blocks Sisi Rondina
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-22: Tots Carlos through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-21: Jema Galanza attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 23-21: Jema Galanza down the line
  • CHOCO MUCHO 23-20: Maddie Madayag quick attack
  • 21-21: Michele Gumabao not over
  • CHOCO MUCHO 21-20: Jema Galanza off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 21-19: Bernadeth Pons service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 20-19: Kat Tolentino net touch
  • CHOCO MUCHO 20-18: Sisi Rondina ace
  • CHOCO MUCHO 19-18: Tots Carlos service error
  • 18-18: Bernadeth Pons combination play
  • CHOCO MUCHO 18-17: Sisi Rondina blocks Tots Carlos
  • 17-17: Pangs Panaga service error
  • CREAMLINE 17-16: Tots Carlos down the line
  • 16-16: Bernadeth Pons off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 16-15: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • 15-15: Pangs Panaga quick attack
  • CHOCO MUCHO 15-14: Jema Galanza not over
  • 14-14: Jema Galanza through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 14-13: Creamline four touches
  • 13-13: Kat Tolentino attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 13-12: Tots Carlos not over
  • 12-12: Sisi Rondina off the block
  • CREAMLINE 12-11: Bea de Leon quick attack
  • CREAMLINE 12-10: Bernadeth Pons crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 11-10: Bernadeth Pons net touch
  • CREAMLINE 11-9: Tots Carlos off the block
  • CREAMLINE 10-9: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 10-8: Bernadeth Pons through the block
  • CREAMLINE 9-8: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 9-7: Sisi Rondina attack error
  • CREAMLINE 8-7: Sisi Rondina backrow hit
  • CREAMLINE 8-6: Pangs Panaga regalo
  • CREAMLINE 7-6: Jema Galanza off the block
  • 6-6: Kat Tolentino ace
  • CREAMLINE 6-5: Lorie Bernardo service error
  • CREAMLINE 6-4: Jema Galanza off-speed hit
  • CREAMLINE 5-4: Kat Tolentino crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 5-3: Bernadeth Pons crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 4-3: Tots Carlos service error
  • CREAMLINE 4-2: Kat Tolentino service error
  • CREAMLINE 3-2: Tots Carlos through the block
  • 2-2: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 2-1: Cherry Nunag quick attack out
  • 1-1: Kat Tolentino down the line
  • CREAMLINE 1-0: Pangs Panaga quick attack
  • END OF SET 3: Bernadeth Pons ends an extended third set for Creamline, 29-27.
  • CREAMLINE 28-27: Tots Carlos off the block
  • 27-27: Sisi Rondina through the block
  • CREAMLINE 27-26: Tots Carlos down the line
  • 26-26: Sisi Rondina backrow hit
  • CREAMLINE 26-25: Tots Carlos off the block
  • 25-25: Jema Galanza crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 25-24: Maddie Madayag off the block
  • 24-24: Kat Tolentino blocks Jema Galanza
  • CREAMLINE 24-23: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit after an inconclusive challenge
  • 23-23: Choco Mucho block on Tots Carlos
  • CREAMLINE 23-22: Kat Tolentino blocks Jema Galanza
  • CREAMLINE 23-21: Bernadeth Pons service error
  • CREAMLINE 23-20: Bernadeth Pons through the block
  • CREAMLINE 22-20: Tots Carlos service error
  • CREAMLINE 22-19: Tots Carlos through the block
  • CREAMLINE 21-19: Sisi Rondina through the block
  • CREAMLINE 21-18: Sisi Rondina down the line
  • CREAMLINE 21-17: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 20-17: Kyle Negrito blocks Cherry Nunag
  • CREAMLINE 19-17: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 19-16: Jema Galanza down the line
  • CREAMLINE 18-16: Kyle Negrito service error
  • CREAMLINE 18-15: Maddie Madayag attack error
  • CREAMLINE 17-15: Michele Gumabao attack error
  • CREAMLINE 17-14: Caitlyn Viray attack error
  • CREAMLINE 16-14: Jema Galanza off-speed hit
  • CREAMLINE 15-14: Maddie Madayag blocks Michele Gumabao
  • CREAMLINE 15-13: Bernadeth Pons service error
  • CREAMLINE 15-12: Regine Arocha attack error
  • CREAMLINE 14-12: Bernadeth Pons hit
  • CREAMLINE 13-12: Sisi Rondina hit
  • CREAMLINE 13-11: Bernadeth Pons off the block
  • CREAMLINE 12-11: Deanna Wong blocks Tots Carlos
  • CREAMLINE 12-9: Tots Carlos down the line
  • CREAMLINE 11-9: Kat Tolentino score off reception
  • CREAMLINE 11-8: Maddie Madayag blocks Tots Carlos
  • CREAMLINE 11-7: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 10-6: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 9-6: Pangs Panaga regalo
  • CREAMLINE 8-6: Jema Galanza down the line
  • CREAMLINE 7-6: Maddie Madayag quick attack
  • CREAMLINE 7-5: Tots Carlos down the line
  • CREAMLINE 6-5: Bernadeth Pons service error
  • CREAMLINE 6-4: Lorie Bernardo hit
  • CREAMLINE 5-4: Tots Carlos off the block
  • CREAMLINE 5-3: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 4-3: Sisi Rondina down the line
  • CREAMLINE 4-2: Pangs Panaga quick attack
  • CREAMLINE 3-2: Sisi Rondina hit
  • CREAMLINE 3-1: Sisi Rondina attack error
  • CREAMLINE 2-1: Jema Galanza ace
  • 1-1: Regine Arocha service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 1-0: Maddie Madayag off the block
  • END OF SET 2: Jema Galanza facial block on Maddie Madayag as Creamline goes on an 8-0 run for the 25-20 equalizer
  • CREAMLINE 24-20: Tots Carlos down the line
  • CREAMLINE 23-20: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CREAMLINE 22-20: Jema Galanza blocks Kat Tolentino. 12-5 Creamline run
  • CREAMLINE 21-20: Jema Galanza off the block
  • 20-20: Caitlyn Viray attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 20-19: Tots Carlos off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 20-18: Sisi Rondina backrow attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 20-17: Caitlyn Viray off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 19-17: Caitlyn Viray off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 18-17: Maddie Madayag blocks Jema Galanza
  • 17-17: Caitlyn Viray attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 17-16: Kat Tolentino through the block
  • 16-16: Michele Gumabao off the block. 6-1 Creamline run
  • CHOCO MUCHO 16-15: Bernadeth Pons ace
  • CHOCO MUCHO 16-14: Lorie Bernardo block point
  • CHOCO MUCHO 16-13: Bernadeth Pons hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 16-12: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 15-12: Lorie Bernardo blocks Cherry Nunag
  • CHOCO MUCHO 15-11: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 15-10: Tots Carlos attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 14-10: Sisi Rondina through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 13-10: Sisi Rondina hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 11-9: Tots Carlos through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 11-8: Bernadeth Pons off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 11-7: Jema Galanza through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 11-6: Regine Arocha hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 10-6: Jema Galanza down the line
  • CHOCO MUCHO 10-5: Maddie Madayag quick attack
  • CHOCO MUCHO 9-5: Lorie Bernardo off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 9-4: Regine Arocha crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 8-4: Bernadeth Pons through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 8-3: Kat Tolentino blocks Lorie Bernardo. Timeout Creamline.
  • CHOCO MUCHO 7-3: Choco Mucho block on Risa Sato
  • CHOCO MUCHO 6-3: Kat Tolentino off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 5-3: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 4-3: Tots Carlos through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 4-2: Sisi Rondina through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 3-2: Sisi Rondina attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 3-1: Jema Galanza service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 2-1: Sisi Rondina attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 2-0: Sisi Rondina hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 1-0: Pangs Panaga attack error
  • END OF SET 1: Sisi Rondina buries a kill as Choco Mucho survives Creamline, 25-22.
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-22: Tots Carlos off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-21: Bernadeth Pons down the line
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-20: Tots Carlos down the line
  • CHOCO MUCHO 24-19: Sisi Rondina off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 22-19: Tots Carlos off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 22-18: Kyle Negrito ace
  • CHOCO MUCHO 22-17: Michele Gumabao down the line
  • CHOCO MUCHO 22-16: Kat Tolentino through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 21-16: Jema Galanza crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 21-15: Pangs Panaga 1-2 play
  • CHOCO MUCHO 21-14: Michele Gumabao off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 21-13: Caitlyn Viray blocks Jema Galanza
  • CHOCO MUCHO 20-13: Bea de Leon ace
  • CHOCO MUCHO 19-13: Caitlyn Viray off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 18-13: Caitlyn Viray crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 17-13: Kat Tolentino attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 17-11: Cherry Nunag blocks Jema Galanza
  • CHOCO MUCHO 16-11: Kat Tolentino off-speed hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 15-11: Deanna Wong service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 15-10: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 14-10: Sisi Rondina off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 13-10: Maddie Madayag service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 13-9: Maddie Madayag quick attack. Technical timeout.
  • CHOCO MUCHO 12-9: Tots Carlos off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 12-8: Maddie Madayag running attack
  • CHOCO MUCHO 11-8: Jema Galanza off the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 11-7: Regine Arocha off-speed hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 10-7: Jema Galanza down the line hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 10-6: Alyssa Valdez service error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 9-6: Sisi Rondina backrow attack error
  • CHOCO MUCHO 9-5: Alyssa Valdez off-speed hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 9-4: Cherry Nunag quick attack
  • CHOCO MUCHO 8-4: Alyssa Valdez through the block
  • CHOCO MUCHO 8-3: Cherry Nunag quick attack out.
  • CHOCO MUCHO 8-2: Kat Tolentino crosscourt hit. Timeout Creamline.
  • CHOCO MUCHO 7-2: Sisi Rondina crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 6-2: Tots Carlos crosscourt hit
  • CHOCO MUCHO 5-1: Maddie Madayag ace


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

As Choco Mucho fulfilled one of its lofty PVL goals by clinching its first-ever finals spot in the 2023 Second All-Filipino Conference, Creamline simply played the spoiler role, reminding fans that it still runs the league with a four-set win in Game 1 of the best-of-three series last Wednesday, December 13.

Playing against the Flying Titans, their sister team, the undefeated defending champion Cool Smashers banked on substantial finals experience to turn the tide at pivotal moments and seize momentum exactly when they needed to.

Unofficially dubbed the “Holy Trinity” of Creamline MVPs, Jema Galanza, Tots Carlos, and Alyssa Valdez combined for 43 points in the balanced attack orchestrated with 22 excellent sets from Jia de Guzman’s standout replacement setter Kyle Negrito.

On the other end, Choco Mucho still showed poise and potential despite losing by the slimmest of margins.

Resurgent star middle blocker Maddie Madayag paced the effort with 18 points built on a whopping 7 blocks, while MVP candidate Sisi Rondina chipped in 17.

Now on the verge of a once seemingly improbable 15-0 conference sweep following the losses of key stars De Guzman and Celine Domingo, Creamline will be going for the kill in Game 2 at the Araneta Coliseum on Saturday, December 16. Choco Mucho, however, is out to prove its goals don’t stop with a breakthrough finals berth.

Will the Cool Smashers keep their dynasty intact with a successful title defense, or will the Flying Titans shape their destiny with a series-extending win? –

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