Premier Volleyball League

Birthday girl Jema Galanza celebrates in style as Creamline stays perfect

Philip Matel

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Birthday girl Jema Galanza celebrates in style as Creamline stays perfect

BIG HIT. Creamlineu2019s Jema Galanza delivers again for the Creamline Cool Smashers.


Jema Galanza delivers big right on her 27th birthday as the unbeaten Creamline Cool Smashers overcome fellow contender Chery Tiggo Crossovers

MANILA, Philippines – Jema Galanza throws a winning party right on court. 

Birthday celebrant Galanza starred with a triple-double as the Creamline Cool Smashers carded their ninth straight win to remain undefeated in the 2023 PVL Second All-Filipino Conference on Tuesday, November 28, at the PhilSports Arena in Pasig.

Creamline blew by fellow playoff-bound team Chery Tiggo Crossovers, 25-22, 24-26, 25-20, 25-16, with Galanza posting 16 points, 18 excellent digs, and 10 excellent receptions, and Tots Carlos also contributing 16 points for the Cool Smashers.

“I’m happy that we won tonight on my birthday, the game showed us that we couldn’t relax,” said Galanza, who turned 27 on Tuesday.

Creamline powered back from a 4-8 deficit in the final frame, with Bernadeth Pons towing the team’s scoring with some timely hits.

Pons put the game away with an off-the-block kill to make it 19-14, before Risa Sato put the finishing touches to achieve match point, 24-16.

Pangs Panaga ended the almost two-hour affair with a running attack, 25-16, to keep Creamline on top of the standings.

“The teamwork was evident in the game, and all players were fielded… the cooperation, that’s the important thing,” Creamline head coach Sherwin Meneses said after the game.

“I’m thankful that we got the ninth win of the conference, our momentum will be nice heading to the playoffs,” he added.

The Cool Smashers were on the verge of taking a 2-0 set lead but Michele Gumabao and Alyssa Valdez committed back-to-back errors that gave Chery Tiggo set point.

Shaya Adorador then nailed a kill that zoomed through the Creamline defenders to tie things up at one set apiece.

Pons then capped off an impressive third set for Creamline with an off-the-block kill to take a 2-1 set lead, 25-20.

“We want to prepare since the semis will be a battle and for sure, all four teams would want to make the finals,” said Galanza.

Mylene Paat was the lone Chery Tiggo player in double-digit scoring with 11 as the Crossovers fell to 8-2, snapping a six-game win streak.

Eya Laure and Cza Carandang, meanwhile, scored 9 apiece. —

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