Hold The Line with Maria Ressa

Maria Ressa talks to El Union Coffee’s Kiddo and Amy Cosio

Maria Ressa talks to El Union Coffee’s Kiddo and Amy Cosio
Rappler CEO and Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa speaks with El Union Coffee's Kiddo and Amy Cosio about how they made their values a reality in a world that wants to crush them 

How do you live your values when the world tells you it’s impossible? How do you #HoldTheLine and build the world you imagine? When Kiddo and Amy Cosio decided to tune out the ‘urban narrative’ and move to La Union, one thing they were sure they wanted was to watch the sunset by the beach whenever they wanted. 

They would make this goal a reality, and even find themselves establishing third-wave coffee shop El Union, arguably a business that has become an institution within the northern surftown’s community. The business will soon be expanding to Manila. 

Kiddo and Amy, who call themselves anarchists for challenging today’s normative capitalist structures with the way they run El Union, speak with Rappler CEO and Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa about how they made their values a reality in a world that wants to crush them.  

Watch the interview on Rappler on Wednesday, July 5, 7pm Manila time. – Rappler.com

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