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BINI among Teen Vogue’s ‘Girl Groups to Watch in 2024’ list

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BINI among Teen Vogue’s ‘Girl Groups to Watch in 2024’ list


Other groups included in the list are KATSEYE, ATARASHI GAKKO!, BABYMONSTER, and ILLIT

MANILA, Philippines – P-pop stars BINI continue to make waves in the global scene with their recent inclusion in American fashion magazine Teen Vogue’s “girl groups to watch in 2024” list!

On Friday, May 24, Teen Vogue published its article of “Girl Groups to Watch in 2024”, listing 12 acts from across the world. The magazine also noted that not all these acts are “brand new” as some have “started years ago but recently achieved a new level of success.” 

BINI was the 10th act to be named on the list, sandwiched between K-pop girl groups Billie and BABYMONSTER. 

The article mentioned that the eight-piece made their debut under ABS-CBN’s Star Hunt Academy program in 2021 with the song “Born to Win.” 

“BINI dropped a number of hits in 2023, including ‘Pantropiko,’ which has earned over 19 million views on Youtube and 54 million streams on Spotify. So far, in 2024, the group has released another hit song, ‘Salamin, Salamin,’ which climbed the charts, all while ‘Pantropiko’ continued to trend as well,’ Teen Vogue wrote. 

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Also joining BINI on the list are global groups VCHA and KATSEYE, R&B vocalists FLO, Japanese girl group ATARASHI GAKKO!, and K-pop groups KISS OF LIFE and ILLIT. 

This is BINI’s latest international exposure following their participation in the Chinese variety program Show It All with fellow P-pop girl group G22.  In June 2023, BINI was also included in MsMojo’s “international groups to add to your playlist” with fellow P-pop girl group KAIA. 

BINI recently rose to viral fame with its hit “Pantropiko” and released its first EP Talaarawan in March. As of May 15, BINI has reached 5.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify, making them the most streamed OPM artist, OPM group, and OPM female artists on the platform. 

Composed of Jhoanna, Maloi, Stacey, Aiah, Colet, Gwen, Mikha, and Sheena, the group is also known for songs such as “Na Na Na,” “Lagi,” and “Huwag Muna Tayong Umuwi.”

They’re set to hold a three-night sold out BINIverse concert at the New Frontier Theater from June 28 to 30. –

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