Be The Good

Be The Good: Should Quiapo and Escolta be declared as heritage zones?
Be The Good: Should Quiapo and Escolta be declared as heritage zones?
This Heritage Month, Rappler brings together Senator Loren Legarda, Manila 3rd District Representative Joel Chua, and community leaders of Escolta and Quiapo to discuss how to revitalize these two historic Manila districts

MANILA, Philippines – Because May is Heritage Month, the next episode of Rappler’s Be The Good show will be about two famous but neglected historic districts of Manila: Quiapo and Escolta.

Join lawmakers and community leaders discuss legislative measures seeking to declare Quiapo and Escolta as heritage zones. What would this declaration mean for the heritage structures in those areas? What would it mean for residents, establishments, vendors, and visitors?

Catch the panel discussion on Friday, May 10, at 7 pm, on this page and on Rappler’s YouTube and social media pages. The conversation will be moderated by Rappler head of community Pia Ranada.

Our guests are:

  • Senator Loren Legarda (joining virtually)
  • Manila 3rd District Representative Joel Chua
  • Robby Sylianteng of First United Building, a community leader in Escolta
  • Stephen Pamorada, heritage advocate and founder of The Heritage Collective

This Be The Good episode is part of the “Let’s Talk Liveability” series that amplifies community concerns about quality of life in Philippine cities. Balancing heritage conservation and sustainable and inclusive economic development is one aspect of improving life in our cities.

Send questions for our guests via Rappler’s Liveable Cities chat room

Join in the discussion virtually by sending in questions to our resource persons through Rappler’s Liveable Cities chat room. Just download the Rappler Communities app (on App Store and Play Store), tap the Communities tab, and find the Liveable Cities chat room. Tag @piaranada so we can find your questions for the show. Send your questions by Thursday, May 9, 10 pm.

If you care about liveability, you can join Rappler’s movement, Make Manila Liveable. Find out more about it here.

Be The Good is Rappler’s show about advocacies, campaigns, and issues faced by communities.

Check out previous episodes here:


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