Alas Pilipinas

Alas Pilipinas players rewarded P200,000 each after historic AVC bronze

JR Isaga

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Alas Pilipinas players rewarded P200,000 each after historic AVC bronze

HISTORY-MAKERS. Alas Pilipinas players celebrate after winning the 2024 AVC Challenge Cup bronze medal

PVL Images/Joaqui Flores

The Philippine government pledges a hefty reward for the history-making Alas Pilipinas women's volleyball team in the 2024 AVC Challenge Cup, days after word got out that players only received token allowance

MANILA, Philippines – After a week of grueling, historic efforts in the 2024 Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC) Challenge Cup, players and coaches of Alas Pilipinas are finally getting the reward they deserve.

Mere minutes after the hastily assembled national team defied the odds and earned the country’s first-ever podium finish in the continental level, Senator Bong Go, through the Philippine Sports Commission, pledged a P200,000 reward for each team member for their monumental feat.

Although reporters did not hear what Go exactly told the team, officers of the Philippine National Volleyball Federation (PNVF) eventually confirmed the development, and the Alas’ players reactions to the senator’s huddle essentially gave the story away.

This comes on the heels of a Philippine Daily Inquirer report that Alas players only initially got P15,000 each as allowance for their entire tour of duty, a small amount considering the career-threatening risks athletes take while playing for the flag outside their respective club teams.

Per the Republic Act No. 10699 (National Athletes and Coaches Benefits and Incentives Act), it is well within Go’s discretion as Senate Committee on Sports chairman to initiate reward-giving for international tournaments like the AVC.

Given the magnitude of Alas’ bronze achievement under such unfavorable circumstances – constrained time frames, alleged allowances, and all – other government entities, private individuals, and businesses are likely following suit with their own bonuses in the coming days. –

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