UAAP Volleyball

La Salle loses MVP Angel Canino indefinitely after right arm accident

JR Isaga

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La Salle loses MVP Angel Canino indefinitely after right arm accident

SIDELINED. Injured MVP Angel Canino (center) joins La Salle in the pre-game.


Reigning UAAP MVP Angel Canino looks likely to miss multiple games amid La Salle's title defense after suffering a non-volleyball-related accident to her right arm

MANILA, Philippines – La Salle’s UAAP women’s volleyball title defense campaign in Season 86 hits a big snag.

Reigning MVP Angel Canino is now expected to possibly miss multiple games after arriving at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, April 4, with a heavily covered right arm supported by a sling.

La Salle courtside correspondent Patrice Dabao revealed during the Lady Spikers’ game against UP that Canino suffered an “accident not related to volleyball” and that she has “no set timeline for return,” confirming rampant online rumors that swirled after the Holy Week break.

Due to the sensitive nature of the issue, La Salle coaches Ramil de Jesus and Noel Orcullo respectfully declined to give interviews before their game against the Fighting Maroons, while the players were instructed to not stop for any media availabilities.

Orcullo, however, revealed in the postgame press conference that Canino suffered a gash on her spiking arm, but was also at a loss on how long she will be out, defaulting to a “day-to-day” designation.

Despite the sudden major setback, Canino retained a positive aura as she sat out pre-game warmups.

Without the reigning MVP, the Lady Spikers will now lean heavily on other capable offensive weapons like Thea Gagate, Amie Provido, Shevana Laput, Alleiah Malaluan, and substitute spiker Baby Jyne Soreño.

If Canino continues to miss more games after the UP match, her back-to-back MVP bid will also be in jeopardy as there is a minimum-game requirement that players have to hit to keep their eligibility.

With nine games done in the elimination round, La Salle currently stands with an 8-1 record in second place behind league-leading UST. –

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