Massive infrastructure damage to hamper post-pandemic growth in Western Visayas

Jun Aguirre

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Massive infrastructure damage to hamper post-pandemic growth in Western Visayas

STILL FLOODED. Communities around the Aklan River still show flooded streets and fields on October 31, 2022.

OCD Western Visayas

Numerous damaged or destroyed bridges and roads, especially in Antique and Capiz, present major obstacles to the normalization of trade and economic activities

AKLAN, Philippines – The effects of landslides and rampaging flood waters spawned by Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (Nalgae) will set back post-pandemic recovery in Western Visayas, the Office of Civil Defense in Region VI said late Sunday, October 30.

The governors of Capiz and Antique – the provinces which suffered the worst floods and landslides – said tens of thousands of residents would need government aid to repair or rebuild their houses.

Capiz had the most flooded barangays, 246, with 56 reporting subsiding waters in the afternoon of October 30.

Antique had 77 flooded barangays, though water had started receding in 60 of these since October 29. It reported 16 rain-induced landslides, noting that casualties were minimal only because the province pushed pre-emptive evacuation.

The situation in 11 Aklan barangays that experienced floods had also improved on October 30.

Aklan reported major landslides in Licabao, Altavas, and Madalag, which also had six minor earth erosion incidents.

Guimaras reported one landslide and said the 80 families that evacuated had returned home.

In Negros Occidental, six barangays experienced serious floods, and the cities of Sipalay, La Carlota, and Bago and the mountain town of Don Salvador Benedicto reported six landslides.

The biggest obstacles to normalization of trade and economic activity, however, were the numerous damaged or destroyed bridges and roads, especially in Antique and Capiz.

“Some of these are the only access to areas,” Antique Governor Rhodora Cadiao said on Monday, October 31.

The following bridges and roads remain impassable:


  • Paliwan Bridge between Laua-an and Bugasong (severed) 
  • Old Ypayo Bridge, Patnongon (the adjacent New Ypayo Bridge is open to all types of vehicles)
  • Cairawan Bridge, Laua-an (eroded soil on the bridge approach) 
  • Iglinab Bridge, Valderrama (collapsed)
  • Dalanas Dike, Barbaza (washed out)
  • 6 national road sections: Caromangay, Hamtic; Nagdayao, Sibalom; Panlagangan, Sibalom; Odiong-Sibalom-San Remigio-Leon Road; Carit-an, Patnongon; Trinidad, San Remigio


  • 6 national road sections impassable
  • Mait, Dumalag, barangay bridge 

In Aklan, a road section in Libacao can only handle two-wheeled vehicles

Only light vehicles are currently allowed on the Old Numancia-Kalibo Bridge and Guadalupe Bridge, Madalag, both having gaping holes in their approaches.

Antique’s Belison Bridge is open to light vehicles only.

Five national road sections have only one lane open (Bagtason,Bugasong, Bagtason, Valderrama; Odol Bridge, LS Bugasong; Pacencia, Tobias Fornier; Igdalagit, Tobias Fornier)

Only motorcycles can traverse the national road stretch in Apdo, Hamtic; Odiong-Sibalom-San Remigio-Leon.

The ports of Culasi, San Jose de Buenavista and Caluya remain closed. –

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