Disaster Fact Checks

FACT CHECK: No Super Typhoon Dodong has entered PH Area of Responsibility


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FACT CHECK: No Super Typhoon Dodong has entered PH Area of Responsibility
There was no mention of a super typhoon in the latest forecasts of weather bureau PAGASA

The claim: A video claims that a second super typhoon for 2023 has entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR). The claim can be found in a video posted on June 15 on a supposed news YouTube channel with 484,000 subscribers. The video

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The claim can be found in a video posted on June 15 on a supposed news YouTube channel with 484,000 subscribers. The video has 8,200 views and 179 likes as of writing.

The facts: The video’s title and thumbnail image claims that Super Typhoon Dodong has entered the PAR, but there have been no announcements from the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) about any new tropical cyclone following the most recent one, Chedeng (Guchol).

In its 4 am forecast on June 15, PAGASA made no mention of a super typhoon that is forming or has entered the PAR. Instead, the morning report stated sightings of cloud clusters near the Visayas and the northern sections of Mindanao. The southwest monsoon will also continue affecting the western section of Northern Luzon.

PAGASA’s daily weather forecast also contains a detailed account of specific areas in the Philippines that will be affected by the southwest monsoon and localized thunderstorms. Moderate to heavy rains may cause possible flash floods or landslides.

In its 11 am advisory, the weather bureau added that its regional divisions “may issue local heavy rainfall warnings, rainfall/thunderstorm advisories and other severe weather information specific to their areas of responsibility as appropriate.”

The Philippines’ most recent super typhoon was Super Typhoon Mawar (local name Betty), which entered the PAR last May 27 after battering the US island territory of Guam with torrential rain and fierce winds. It was the Philippines’ second tropical cyclone for 2023 and the first super typhoon of the year.

Other false claims: The same YouTube channel has previously made several false claims about typhoons and weather disturbances in the Philippines:

For the latest weather updates, visit PAGASA’s official social media accounts on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and its website. – Katarina Ruflo/Rappler.com

Katarina Ruflo is a graduate of Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program. This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor. Learn more about Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program here.

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