celebrity couples

Kim Dy, Dwight Ramos on same page as athlete couple

Philip Matel

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Kim Dy, Dwight Ramos on same page as athlete couple

COUPLE. Kim Dy and Dwight Ramos.

Kim Dy Instagram page

As Kim Dy and Dwight Ramos face the daily grind of being star athletes living thousands of miles away apart, the two are on the same page when it comes to understanding each other's struggles

OKINAWA, Japan – Volleyball superstar Kim Kianna Dy could not be prouder as her boyfriend Dwight Ramos captained the Asia All-Stars in the Japan B. League All-Star Weekend here.

Dy, who recently signed with the PLDT High Speed Hitters, personally flew to be with her beau and watched his side emerge victorious against the Rising Stars, 127-115, on Saturday, January 13.

“It’s my first time in Okinawa and my first time watching the All-Star Game,” Dy said.

Kim Dy, Dwight Ramos on same page as athlete couple

“Super happy to be here to support Dwight and I’m proud of him of course, he’s also the captain so it’s a big role,” she added.

The two – who command legions of followers online – have become social media darlings as they juggle their roles as public figures, athletes, role models, and most importantly, a couple.

According to Dy, the two met in June 2019 and officially became a couple at the height of the pandemic on June 13, 2020 after a year of courtship.

“We don’t really think about that,” said Dy when asked about their popularity.

“We just do what we do, what perks come with it, thank you.”

Since they got together, Ramos left Ateneo, suited up for Gilas Pilipinas, and pursued a professional career in the Japan B. League, while Dy underwent knee surgery and changed teams in the PVL.

As the two face the daily grind of being star athletes living thousands of miles away apart, the two are on the same page when it comes to understanding each other’s struggles.

“It helps when someone can relate – the low points that can help bring you back up and she does that. I’m grateful for that,” said Ramos.

“It’s actually easy to have a partner who’s also into sports so they understand the struggles during a bad game,” said Dy.

“They also understand that we can’t be with each other like normal couples do. He understands, I understand. We’re on the same page,” she added.

It showed when Dy asked for Ramos’ advice as she weighed options from other teams after her former PVL squad F2 Logistics Cargo Movers disbanded.

After all, Ramos has a wealth of experience playing for different teams.

Ramos started his collegiate career at Cal State Fullerton, transferred to Cal Poly Pomona, and then took his act to the Philippines by committing to Ateneo.

After plans to play for the Blue Eagles fell through as he made the jump to the B. League, Ramos spent his first season in Japan with the Toyama Grouses before he signed with his current team Levanga Hokkaido.

“I just told her when she was looking for her new team to just really feel it and feel who really wants you, which team is really interested in you and which is the best fit for you and PLDT is the one,” said Ramos.

“Glad that she has a new team and excited for her next year.”

The former La Salle standout chose to sign with the High Speed Hitters, joining former F2 Logistics teammates Kim Fajardo and Majoy Baron. – Rappler.com

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